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6 Best ways to Practice self care!

For many of us, we can often get caught up in the never ending rat race that is work and responsibilities. Its not always easy to find a healthy balance of work, play and peace, but its so essential.

Self care can look one way for one person verses the other and then be totally different for you. Yet the crux of it is finding time that you can section out of your day or week to develop a habitual routine where you can ultimately be selfish and tend to your very own needs of unwinding, luxurious pampering and relaxation, in order to be ready, recharge and reset for the week coming ahead.


Just like the moon has her phases from full, when she is brightly lit in the sky on show for the world to see. To the new moon, when not even a flicker of her is in sight. We must acknowledge that we to, must retreat and recharge ourselves to be able to bring forth our best selves when the seasons comes by for us to be full again.

So get your notebooks out and your diaries and set some time to try these top tips to best practice to take better care of yourself, before the years ends!

  1. )It starts with your mind!

The first way to better your self care starts with mindset. It’s shifting your thinking into saying you deserve and need this time in order to continue to pour into others, whether it be work duties or family tasks.

Speaking as someone who is a single mother of a soon to be one year old. This for me has been something I’ve had to convince myself I deserve.I spend all day tending to the needs of my little one that I seldom take care of myself.


I can shamefully admit I’ve not washed my hair in what feels like forever and simple self care habits like getting my nails done, having my hair styled and braided or getting a wax done has become a distant memory. I’ve come to the realization that in order to be good for my child I have to first be good to me.

I don’t mean that in a superficial way of getting pampered, but more in the sense of taking care of my mental health. So I see now how important it is to find and carve time out for self care.


  1. ) You get to decide what self care looks like to you

Another great way to better your self care is to decide what self care looks like for you.

Do you want to start meditating, put on you favourite tunes on spotify, take up a new exercise regime like yoga, Pilates or hiking, begin a detox/cleanse or take yourself out on a date and buying yourself your favourite flowers?

It honestly could be doing something that relates to your love language or literally creating a pamper day at home with your favourite scented bubble bath and bath soaks for half an hour before you watch your favourite series. Another thought could be to book into your favourite nail salon or barbershop. It can really consist of anything that makes you feel good and keeps you grounded.


3.) Make Time For Yourselves

Carve the time out of your day or week and commit to you! Self care and showing your self love should be a given. But how true is it, that you do this without even thinking of it? Many of us forget to and its easily done with our daily tasks, never ending to do lists and responsibilities to others and so on.


Setting up a calendar, for example, Sunday as solely a self care day, with phones switched off, waking up early or late, 10 minutes of a morning meditating, journaling and setting goals for the week ahead and month is a great start to creating a routine that can become consistent and fits around your life.


4.) Your Tribe is your Vibe!

Finding friends or a community of people who are on the wave of improving themselves through self care, inner child work and self development is the easiest and fastest way to stick to this new lifestyle.

When we surround ourselves with like minded people or those who are in a place where we are striving to be, it lovingly encourages us to do better and continue the work we put into ourselves. Find your tribe and grow together.

  1. ) Get yourself Booked into your diary!

Now that you’ve taken the time to write out your routine, add it to your calendar, the next step is to do it!


Get into the groove of it for a few weeks and if there is something you want to add or take away, do that. Your self care routine should be on what looks good for you and not just a routine you’ve seen someone else do.


It should be tailored to your personality and lifestyle, only then will you be able to stick to it and find it easy to commit to.

And remember it is a commitment to you. You are doing this for you.

There may be days when you just don’t want to bother. But those are the days you should push through and show yourself even more love.

You got this!

6) Stay committed to you!

Stay committed to you! Its true sometimes we forget to give to ourselves and we must make sure no matter how small the time is, if you can dedicate at least ten minuets to yourself it can make the worlds difference to how you contribute to society, your work, your passions and relationships.

The key here is you must treat yourself how you wish to be treated and everything will just start clicking for you.


Now here are 20 Self care ideas for you to pick and choose what you can add to your tailored routine.


  1. Meditating
  2. Spiritual bath
  3. Yoni steam
  4. Journaling
  5. Exercise (yoga, weight lifting)
  6. Hiking/ walking
  7. Detox/ cleanse
  8. Eating high vibration foods like fruits
  9. Drinking homemade smoothies
  10. Cooking a healthy meal
  11. Goal setting for the year
  12. Massages
  13. Pedicure/ manicure
  14. Facials
  15. Hair salon/ barber
  16. Skin care
  17. Foot massage
  18. Breathe work
  19. Stretching
  20. Painting/ drawing



Article by. Lisa Aldridge


If you enjoyed reading this article and would like to share any tips or what you do for self care/ love, comment on our social platforms and share this blog with others. We are a community here and the goal is to see everyone thrive and win.

Have a beautiful and blessed well deserved Self care day!


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