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Are Menstrual cycles effected by our attitude

Often times women will out-rightly say they hate their periods because of the limitations they face ranging from the pain and discomfort, the consistent changing of pads and tampons, the possible leakages and the hormonal imbalances from PMS that can include anything from mood swings, heavy or irregular cycles, to bloating and cravings.

But what if you were able to look at your periods as a gift and actually welcome your monthly cycle by seeing your flow as a sign of health, femininity and strength.

What if you honoured your yoni and your strength to be chosen to have a cycle because if you didn’t get your monthly periods what would that mean to you and your health?


How do periods contribute to women’s health


Periods tell your body if you are healthy or in need of a detox. Its time that you start to take notice of your cycle and get to know your body through and through.

Having a cycle tracker is an essential and convenient tool to have to keep up to date with your flow, your ovulation cycle which is extremely important regardless of your age and whether you do or do not intend to plan for a pregnancy.



Are app’s like Flo really worth the hype?



Keeping up to date with your cycle can show you your cycle patterns, any irregularities and really help you take control of your life.

By knowing when your period is coming you can pre-plan when you want to book your holiday, your Hollywood wax and for you super women who don’t know when to relax and have a break, use this sacred time to personally take care of yourself by slowing down.


How do I know if my periods are communicating with me?



Our periods are intellectual, they know when you’ve not been kind to yourself and they know when you are keeping your commitments to your commitments.

Our periods detox out negativity and allows for our charkras to flow through the creak with ease.

If you have been in a rut, jealous, eating unhealthy foods our periods will be irregular, long, painful and can even be delayed due to stress.

Periods are not supposed to be painful and you must speak to your GP if you are in pain as this can be a sign of fibroids which changes the thin healthy lining of your uterus directly from the foods you consume and also contributes to other factors like tumors, cysts and even cervical cancers.


Do not sit in silence and seek professional medical help.


Written by Elisha Chanté






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