Top 10 Steps to a Better Life!

    HYDRATION   Hydration allows our brain to focus better and our bodies to perform harder. Drinking more water reduces fatigue, can reduce headaches and migraines, improves the skins complexion, flushes out toxins from the body and there are many other benefits. Hydration is also wonderful for ageing. It also supports the gut health […]

Its healthy to have daily vaginal discharge!

Vaginal discharge is frequent and normal yet, there are certain types of vaginal discharges that indicates an infection. Most women, suspect an abnormal discharge to be yellow or green and accompanied with a foul odor. Yeast & bacterial infection are common cause of abnormal discharge. So its important to understand that vaginal discharge is normal for all […]

Are Menstrual cycles effected by our attitude

Often times women will out-rightly say they hate their periods because of the limitations they face ranging from the pain and discomfort, the consistent changing of pads and tampons, the possible leakages and the hormonal imbalances from PMS that can include anything from mood swings, heavy or irregular cycles, to bloating and cravings. But what if you were […]

Top 5 Effective Ways To Manage With Stress!

  We all deal with stress on a daily basis, though we all have different issues that hold different levels of severity.In today’s society, stress and depression can be often confused. Yet it is stress that is a physiological and psychological response to situations the mind and body struggles to comprehend and finds challenging. As […]

6 Best ways to Practice self care!

For many of us, we can often get caught up in the never ending rat race that is work and responsibilities. Its not always easy to find a healthy balance of work, play and peace, but its so essential. Self care can look one way for one person verses the other and then be totally different […]

How to manage day to day life while grieving

They say that there are 5 stages to grief. Grief is an extraordinary experience, teacher, healer  and eye opener for so many of us, including myself. I have been exactly were you are and know first hand how challenging it is to lose your loved ones especially when they are so young. It doesn’t matter […]

Benefits of listening to Freqencies from 432hz & 528hz

In case I am straightforward I generally thought this stuff was intended for more established individuals and it wasn’t until I was going through my alternatives with my consultant that it occurred to me, I should not be the one in particular who didn’t realize that the more youthful you are the less expensive extra […]

5 tips to help new Vegans & Plantbase eaters

In case I am straightforward I generally thought this stuff was intended for more established individuals and it wasn’t until I was going through my alternatives with my consultant that it occurred to me, I should not be the one in particular who didn’t realize that the more youthful you are the less expensive extra […]

5 tips high valued woman share

In case I am straightforward I generally thought this stuff was intended for more established individuals and it wasn’t until I was going through my alternatives with my consultant that it occurred to me, I should not be the one in particular who didn’t realize that the more youthful you are the less expensive extra […]

Why you need insurance before 25!

  So I’m sure many of us have seen those annoying ads on YouTube mostly, aiming at new mum’s who are twenty five or over to get life insurance and you’re probably thinking, if you’re anything like myself this is not the ad for me and then you quite abruptly skip the video to get […]