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Its healthy to have daily vaginal discharge!

Vaginal discharge is frequent and normal yet, there are certain types of vaginal discharges that indicates an infection.

Most women, suspect an abnormal discharge to be yellow or green and accompanied with a foul odor.

Yeast & bacterial infection are common cause of abnormal discharge. So its important to understand that vaginal discharge is normal for all women.

How is discharge produced?

Glands inside the vagina and cervix produce small amounts of fluid that flows out of the vagina every day, carrying out old cells that line your vagina.

How does it benefit our body?

Vaginal discharge is a normal production that keeps the vagina healthy and clean.
Healthy vaginal discharge is usually clear or milky and does not smell bad, burn or cause itching.

How to spot abnormal discharge from healthy discharge?

Vulvovaginal candidiasis is abnormal discharge that is often described to resemble Cottage Cheese. This yeast infection, which is commonly known as thrush for most women can be a nightmare if left untreated.

Are there any symptoms?


Yes! There are a few and should not ignore any of them.


Yeast infections most commonly cause itchiness, burning sensation during or after intimacy, redness, and can cause irritation in the vaginal area.

Thrush is identified through its Cottage cheese-like appearance. This discharge is thick, white and curd-like and can cause  swelling of the lips of the vagina if left untreated.

What causes this abnormal cheese like discharge?

Vulvovaginal candidiasis is caused by a over production of yeast from changes both internal or external. Essential the over production of yeast upsets the normal balance of healthy bacteria inside the vagina leading to the PH balance to then produce this vaginal discharge.

Now Vulvovaginal candidiasis is not a STD sexually transmitted disease. It is vital you do not self digoniose you condition as some STD can display similar symptoms as a yeast infection so consult your GP or visit your local GUM Clinic to rule out the possibility of any form of STD.

Can Self-Care & Good Hygiene Routine Help?

Absolutely! The key here is to prevent any abnormalities to the health of your vagina. One of the best things you can do for your vagina is to not use soap when cleaning inside your vaginal area.


use 100% cotton balls with clean water and wipe in-between each lip and rinse it with water is enough.

Should you wish to use some form of clean substance inside your yoni for your peace of mind if you have been used to using soap, try using femfresh.


This is a pH balancing intimate soap free wash which has been designed specifically for intimate washing so both females and males can use it alike.

Buy Femfresh Intimate Wash | Chemist Direct

You should also avoid sexual intercourse while you are experiencing and treating yeast infections.

here are some natural vegan friendly ways to treat the infection:

Taking a warm bath or simply sitting in warm water may help reduce swelling of the genital area. Be sure to avoid rubbing the affected area.

Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is an essential oil in getting away from vaginal discharge. You can apply it to the vaginal area.

Yogurt: Yogurt is a valuable element to eradicate vaginal discharge. It can kill the bad bacteria that are harmful in your vagina.


Mango paste: You can make a paste from the pulp of mangoes and apply it on the vagina. It provides a positive result and gives you relief.

Apple cider vinegar: You can put 2-3 cups of cider vinegar to put your warm bath water. It counterbalances the alkaline conditions caused in the vagina by odor-causing bacteria. It soothes you from tenderness and itching.

Proper hygiene: This is the most effective remedy to cure vaginal discharge to maintain hygiene. You should ensure that you wash your genitals after every urination and sexual intercourse with clean water and clean cotton balls.


Whenever you are using public toilets, avoid sitting on the toilet seat. If this isn’t possible use an antibacterial wipe to the seat first or if you are a able to squat do that instead.

During intimacy always ensure your partner has washed their hands and body as their personal hygiene can be the reason why you are contracting the infection.

Underwear: By ensuring your underwear is 100% cotton you allow for better circulation for your yoni (vagina )to breathe. You should also change your undergarments at least twice a day after every bath/shower and can benefit from removing them  before going to bed.

Garlic: Garlic contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral components of garlic that can save you from vaginal discharge. This is because it kills harmful bacteria. Garlic is used by taking garlic clove with the white cover peeled off and then you insert into your vagina during bedtime until morning.

Vaginal Vitamins: Not only treat BV and Thrush they are vegetarian and can be used to enhance your overall vaginal health such as better lubrication during intimacy, no odour when menstruating, promotes and maintains healthy pH balance to prevent BV and yeast infections all the while treating those who continuously suffer from the infections.

Natural and Medical Treatments

If your symptoms are severe or consistently returning and you need a treatment for your complicated yeast infection, you may consider opting for the following treatment options.

Long-Course Vaginal Therapy

You may consider taking azole medications for 7-14 days to clear your infection. It is available in ointment, cream, suppository or tablet form. Or for thoes of you who wish to use a natural black owned vaginal vitamin that treats vaginal dryness for better intimate experiences, treats BV and yeast infections then try

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Multi-Dose Oral Medication

It is not uncommon for doctors to prescribe 2-3 doses of fluconazole to treat your infection. You have to take it orally. It is not a suitable choice for pregnant women though.

Short-Course Vaginal Therapy

Your doctor can prescribe external use only antifungal medications such as ointments, creams, suppositories, and tablets to clear your infection such as, clotrimazole, butoconazole, terconazole, and miconazole. They are quite effective but may contain side effects such as irritation or burning during application.

Written by Elisha Chanté

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